Event Description
5 for the 50
A 5K Run/Walk supporting the 50 million Americans suffering from autoimmune disease
American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) & Lupus Foundation of America
20% of this year's funds will go to the Lupus Foundation of America as this charitable organization is very close to Jimmie's heart. Jimmie is the race director and was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis at the age of 22. The other 80% will go to AARDA to help fund research for all autoimmune diseases! Funding national research is the best way to ensure a future cure, find better medications, and improve the quality of life for those suffering from an autoimmune disease.
May 19, 2018 - 8:00 AM
University of St. Augustine
1 University Blvd.
St. Augustine, FL 32086
Early Entry Fee = $25
Race Day Entry Fee = $30
Student Discount Fee (1st grade - graduate school) = $20
Kids under 5 = Free
(cash/check only for race day registration)
In the event of inclement weather, emergency or a natural disaster, 5 for the 50 reserves the right to cancel or postpone the race. In the event of cancellation or postponement, there will be no refunds.
Pre-Packet Pick Up - Friday, May 18, 2018 4 - 7 PM at Nurse on Call, 100 Whetstone Place, Unit 303, St. Augustine, FL 32086
Race Day Registration and Packet Pick Up - Saturday, May 19, 2018 6:30 - 8 AM at the University of St. Augustine, 1 University Blvd, St. Augustine, FL 32086
Race Start Time - 8:00 AM
- T-shirt
- Water & snacks
- Awards for top overall male & female as well as a top 3 males & top 3 females in 15 different age group categories!
5K USATF Certified Course # FL15029EBM
The purpose of the USATF course certification program is to produce road race courses of accurately measured distances. For any road running performance to be accepted as a record or be nationally ranked, it must be run on a USATF-certified course. In addition, the certification program is very important to the average road racer, as well as those of exceptional speed. Most runners like to compare performances run on different courses, and such comparisons are difficult if course distances are not reliable. No one can truly establish a personal best if the course distance is not accurate.
The 5K will be professionally timed and scored by RaceSmith, Inc. The race will be timed using disposable, electronic tags attached to the bib number. Please wear your bib number to the front, pinned at all four corners, visible, and unaltered. Printed results will be posted at the race site and live online during the race at www.RaceSmith.com
Email: 5forthe50@gmail.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/5forthe50/
Phone: 864-304-5718