Event Description
On Saturday, September 12, 2020, the 15th Annual Dr. James R. Clark Memorial Sickle Cell VIRTUAL Walk will be held to honor children, adults, and families who are living with sickle cell disease and to raise money for the James R. Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Our 2020 Walk Ambassador is The World Famous Johnny Green, from KISS 103.1. Johhny Green is a seasoned annoucer with more than 23 years of radio experience. He and the KISS crew has supported the Sickle Cell Walk since it began in 2005.
Theme: 15 Years of Breaking the Sickle Cell Cycle, One Step at a Time
Location: The walk this year will be virtual. You are free to walk and/or exercise from home, your neighborhood, a park or anywhere you choose.
Registration Fee: Adults - $20 • Ages 5-18 - $10 • Ages 5 & under - $6
(includes all events and a commemorative T-Shirt)
All checks should be made payable to:
James R. Clark Memorial Sickle Cell Foundation with money designated for the
Scholarship Fund.
All proceeds from the walk will go to the James R. Clark Memorial Scholarship Fund, providing educational awards to college-bound high school graduates and already-enrolled college students living with sickle cell disease.
The deadline for pre-registration is Monday, August 17, 2020.
Please return the registration form and fee to:
Yvonne Donald
James R. Clark Memorial Sickle Cell Foundation
1420 Gregg Street
Columbia, South Carolina 29201
Please join us for this 15th year celebratory event as we continue toward breaking the sickle cell cycle.
For more information, please call Yvonne Donald or Vesha Jamison at 803-765-9916.