Event Description
bWHERE: The City of Chandler Hamilton Aquatic Center,3838 S.Arizona Avenue, Chandler, AZ 85248, (Northwest Corner of Southern and the 101 loop). Heated pool swim, Entire Bike and run is on paved Policed and barricaded city streets or sidewalks.
b WHEN: Youth triathlon approx 6:30am, Adult Triathlon & Duathlonstarts at 7:20am. ALL ENTRANTS MUST HAVE THEIR BIKES IN THE TRANSITION AREA NO LATER THAN 6/6:15 AM
bAWARDS: Five deep in all age & Relay team categories. All youth also receive a participant ribbon.
REGISTRATION: Registration packets and late registration will be available Saturday April 22nd from
2pm to 5pm at the North Tempe Landis Cyclery, 2180 E Southern Ave, Tempe, AZ 85282