Event Description
Where: Bacon Academy, Colchester’s High School, 611 Norwich Avenue, Colchester, Connecticut 06415-2142
Course: USTAF Certified, 13.10938 hilly miles. There will be three water & Gatorade stations, professional computerized chip timing, mile signs, volunteers on every turn, lots of hills, dirt roads, cows, rural scenery, and more hills. There will be pre & post race massages & a post race carbo re-load party in the Bacon Academy cafeteria with hearty food, non-alcoholic beverages, results, excuses, tales of woe, camaraderie ~ guests are welcome especially if they can volunteer to help. For more information or to volunteer please contact Rick Konon, e-mail: r-kon@sbcglobal.net, telephone: 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. 860-537-4597. Thanks! Need community service time? Contact Rick!
Facilities: Restrooms & showers at Bacon Academy Entry fee: $14.00** not refundable, includes post race party! Bacon Academy cafeteria post race party Race Day Entry fee: $20.00**
Register on line http://www.lightboxreg.com/colchester-half-marathon_2020?func=&mobile=0
there is no on line service fee! We want to encourage online registration but not discourage mail in registration!
On line registration available until 6:00 p.m. Friday February 28
Register by mail - You must mail your application by Monday February 24!
Race day registration ends at 9:45 a.m. ~ come early, get a massage, talk with friends!!
Make checks payable to: Rick Konon ~ Mail to: Rick Konon, 44 Caisson Road, Colchester, CT 06415-2100