Maine Track Club Annual Meeting

PO Box 8008
Portland, ME 04101


Registration Powered by RunSignUp

Event Description

Please join us for the Maine Track Club Annual Meeting on Friday, December 11, 2020 at 7 pm, which will be held via Zoom.

We are excited to have Dave McGillvray, Race Director of the Boston Marathon, TD Bank Beach to Beacon, and New Balance Falmouth Road Race, as our guest speaker.  Dave will be giving a presentation on running and road races during the Covid-19 pandemic followed by a Q&A session.  You won't want to miss this one!  

In addition, we will be providing an update on our 2021 club events and races, a brief summary of the club's budget, and conducting the election of the Board of Directors.  We will also be giving away Fleet Feet gift certificates as well as some MTC race entries.  

Please sign up on Run Signup so we have an estimate of the number of attendees.  Don't forget to renew your club membership.  To check to see if your MTC membership is up-to-date, you can check here.

Thanks, and keep an eye out for more details on the meeting.


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