Multnomah Falls Trail Run

Wahkeena Picnic Area,
Bridal Veil, OR 97019


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Event Description

Featuring five of the most photographed waterfalls in Oregon, there are steep inclines, and about 3600 feet of elevation change. The course ranges from paved trail to medium-to-difficult technical trail on soft sod, hard-pack dirt, and rock. The home of the original Superhero Contest, the first male and female participants to finish dressed as a superhero win a bottle of hand-crafted spirits. There are also overall and age group prizes. The awards ceremony includes Eric's famous tortilla soup. Space is limited to only 150 participants, so register early. 


Event details and schedule

The 5.9 Mile Race starts at 9:00am

The 5.9 Mile Walk starts at 8:00am

Check-in and day-of-reg starts at 7:30am at Wahkeena Picnic Shelter.

Event Location & Accomodations

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