Event Description
Grab your Halloween costume and join the fun! Choose from the 1 mile fun run, a 5K or 10K walk or run all in celebration of the Halloween season in support of Parkdale Elementary School. All funds raised will go towards enrichment programs for the kids! A great weekend in Parkdale. Enjoy the Pumpkin Run events followed by the Pumpkin Parade at 11:30, local fruit stands, bake sales, and games in the park!
Event details and schedule
Saturday 10/29/2016 RUN/WALK at Rails End Park. Untimed event. All proceeds benefit Parkdale Elementary School. Costumes encouraged but not required.
5K/10K check-in at 9am. Start time 9:30am. $15.00 per participant
1 Mile check-in at 10am. Start time 10:30am. $5.00 per participant
Race course is a gradual uphill start following the roads through the beautiful pear orchards, looping back on gradual downhill road.