Event Description
Dress in your best HALLOWEEN COSTUME & bring the kids (sorry no pets)? This year we are offering a FREE non-timed trick-or-treat mile for the kids beginning at 2pm. The 5K will be timed and be confined to Lawrence Park and the bike path along Whitefish Stage Road in Kalispell. Same-day registration will be available. Swag bags will be provided while supplies last. Entry fee is $20 for the 5K (same day add $5). This event benefits the Kalispell Coats for Kids Organization. Please check out my FaceBook page for more event details (Fitness Pro Tammy Smith). For questions, please contact race director, Tammy Smith, 261-0259 or tamsmith66@gmail.com.
Spirit Halloween is offering 20% off any one item when you bring in a copy of your race registration. (Offer not valid with any other discounts)
Impact Strong is offering your first month membership for just $1 when signing up for a 1-year agreement at $59 per month...please bring in a copy of race registration.