Trick or Trot 5K Walk/Run

Franklin Elementary School - 305 W Lakeside St
Madison, WI 53715

Running > 5k

Registration Powered by RunSignUp

Event Description

Trick or Trot 2019 Unicorn vs Dragon 


Registration opens at 11:30 AM.

Kid's Dash at 12:45 PM

Race starts at 1:00 PM.

The run will kick off at Franklin Elementary School (305 W Lakeside St, Madison, WI 53715), weaving through the Bay Creek Neighborhood, Quann Park, and Alliant Energy Center's Willow Island.

Attn: Potential Volunteers - Please see Volunteer Note below!

A perfect early fall outing for the family with free face painting for kids before the race! Our Kid's Dash will be a 2 block mini-run complete with cheering and a prize for participating. The 5K route features 3 trick-or-treat stations. Young ones in strollers and dogs on leashes welcome!


Registration: $45
Youth 5-12: $15
Kids 4 and under: Free (thanks in advance for still registering them!)


Sign up today! Here’s how:

STEP #1: Select your costume!
Are you a Unicorn or a Dragon? Unicorns get a Aquatic Blue T-shirt and a unicorn horn headband. Dragons get a Dark purple T-shirt and Dragon face mask. T-shirts are 100% cotton and long-sleeved, perfect for an early fall run! (After September 23rd we cannot guarantee a particular shirt style or size, but we'll try our best to honor your request.)
STEP #2: Invite your friends and family!
Create a team and invite friends to join you on October 13th! 
STEP #3: Become a Superhero!
Superheroes fundraise for the event! Click on "Become a Fundraiser" on the left side to find out more! Proceeds will go to GSAFE. Consider fundraising with your team-- the more the scarier! 
STEP #4: Run or walk the 5K!
Have a fabulous time!


Early registration and packet pick-up:

Will be at Berkeley Running Company on Friday, October 11 from 4:00-7:00 PM and Saturday, October 13 from 10:00-2:00 PM. Berkeley is at 2852 University Avenue, Madison, WI 53705. Thanks to Berkeley Running Company for supporting our race!

Day of registration and packet pickup:

Starts at 11:30am on Sunday, October 14th at Franklin Elementary School. 



We encourage people to park at the GSAFE Offices at 122 E Olin Ave, Madison, WI 53713, or at Goodman Community Pool. Street parking will be limited. Please plan ahead and allow yourself time to park.



We are looking for volunteers for registration, water stations, course marshalling, etc! Check out the volunteers tab on the left hand side. Please note that's current system still requires volunteers to choose a gender with the only options being "female" and "male." We apologize for missing this inadequacy in their system. We are working with them to change it. Unfortunately it is a required question to sign up to volunteer online. Please feel free to respond to that question however you please or if you'd rather sign up offline please email Jean at  Please make sure to include your shirt size and desired style (Cat or Unicorn). Again, our apologies and thanks!


Sponsor Trick or Trot: 

Thank you to our sponsors! Are you or your business or organization interested in becoming a Trick or Trot sponsor? Learn more about your sponsorship options on the Sponsorship Form here. 


Happy Trick or Trotting!


Event Location & Accomodations

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