Event Description
Back by popular demand, and reincarnated in 2016 at a new venue to bring you a new challenge! Pure Mojave Desert running at its finest! Come join us on this PAVED and scenic course which covers rolling terrain.
Commencing at an elevation of roughly 4500 feet, runners will experience high desert vegetation to include Joshua Trees, Pinion-Juniper, Mountain Rose, Sagebrush, and a relatively lush Toiyabe National Forest not commonly associated with Las Vegas. The road twists and turns thru the canyon; a true treasure of the Spring Mountains N.R.A. enjoying temperatures ~10 degrees cooler than the Las Vegas Valley.
Still an extreme heat race, expect daytime highs ~95- 100 degrees and overnight lows ~75. On course provisions will help keep you cool!
A 2 day running festival offers something for everyone! We offer the chance to run back to back events without the headache of travel in between!