Event Description
Voted as one of top five most scenic courses in Northern California. Where the River Meets the Pacific Ocean. The 10K & 5K Runs and 5K Fun Walk follow the Gualala River through majestic redwood forests along out and back courses. 5K course is paved. 10K includes packed gravel roads into forests closed to the public except for this event.
Coastal Creations Gourmet Brunch follows $10 adults, $5 10 and Under, Raffle $5/ticket, $20 for 6 tickets
All proceeds all events benefit Action Network Family Reource Centers' youth programs.
Event details and schedule
7:30 - 8:30 Race Day Registration
9:00 10K Sart
9:15 5K Start
10:30 Gourmet Ranch provided by Coastal Creataions - $10 adults, $5 10 and under
10:30 Award Ceremonies and GRReat Raffle $5/ticke or $20 for 6 tickets - lodging, dining and shopping packages as prizes.