9/11 Remembrance Walk/Run 5k/10k

410 Norman Avenue
Concord, CA 94520

Running > 5k, 10k

Registration Powered by Active.com

Event Description

On this date in 2001, the hijacked Flight 11 was crashed into floors 93 to 99 of the North Tower (1 WTC) at 8:46 a.m. The hijacked Flight 175 struck floors 77 to 85 of the South Tower (2 WTC) 17
minutes later at 9:03 a.m. When the towers were struck, between 16,400 and 18,000 people were in the WTC complex. Of those, the vast majority evacuated safely. As they rushed out, first responders rushed in trying to save those still trapped or injured.

The fires from the impacts were intensified by the planes’ burning jet fuel. They weakened the steel support trusses, which attached each of the floors to the buildings’ exterior walls. Along with the initial damage to the buildings’ structural columns, this ultimately caused both towers to collapse. The five other buildings in the WTC complex were also destroyed because of damage sustained when the Twin Towers fell.

The collapse of the buildings left the site devastated, with ruins towering roughly 17 stories and spread beyond the 16-acre site. Thousands of volunteers came to Ground Zero to help with the rescue, recovery and clean-up efforts, and on May 30, 2002, the last piece of WTC steel was ceremonially removed.



This event, is to remember all that were lost that day.

Event details and schedule

This event will take place on a Military Installation, therefore, please ensure to bring a good form of Identification and ensure your vehicle credentials are in order to gain access to the Installation.

Immediately after arriving, you will be directed to the parking designated for the event.


Event Schedule:

  • 0600-0700 - Setup
  • 0700-0745 - Participant(s) arrival/ sign-in
  • 0745-0800 - Opening Remarks
  • 0800 - Start Event -Until last Participant
  • TBD - Closing Remarks


Please wear or bring a light jacket, as this event will take place close to a large body of water and the temperature tends to fluctuate a bit.

Course information will be provided at the event sing-in.

Event Location & Accomodations

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