Event Description
NEW! Coyote Creek Half Marathon Double 13.1 Miles
Double 15k, Double 5k, Kids Cup Double 1.5 Mile
Sprint Double 1.5 Mile, Double Hike 3 Mile
Sponsored by:
UjENA, IDT, Road Runner Sports, Toni's OatMEAL, Nuun, ClubSport, and METRO
Benefiting Just Run, and American Red Cross Pacing by Tri Valley Running
7 Double Racing events:
Half Marathon Double - 13.1 miles (10 Miles+Break+5k)
Double Road Race 15k (10k+Break+5k)
UjENA Double 5k (3k+Break+2k)
Kids Cup Double 1.5m (1 Mile+Break+Half)
Sprint Double 1.5m (1 Mile+Break+Half)
Double Hike 4.1 Miles (3.1 Mile+Break+1 Mile)
Most Fit Team (Team with most Finishers)
Double Racomg is a two stage race with a halftime recovery break between the stages. It is a new sport. It is a new challenge for runners and walkers of all abilities
"I have run 44 Doubles," says Double Racing creator Bob Anderson, "I enjoy having the break. It gives me a chance to recovery, make adjustments and talk to other runners. I enjoy Double Racing as much or more than a straight race. Never thought I would say this."
Times for both stages are added together for scoring. During halftime we provide everything you need to recovery. Or bring along your "secret" recovery drink, food or device. The Double is fun, challenging and exciting!
Double Racing for the whole family - Loads of Fun!
Event details and schedule
IDT Campus, 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road, San Jose, CA 95138
Packet Pickup - Friday, Aug 19, 2016
Road Runner Sports, Campbell California
877 E. Hamilton Ave, Campbell, CA 95008
Noon to 6:00pm - Packet Pickup
San Jose Double Schedule of Events:
Saturday, August 20, 2016
6:00am to 7:00am - Same Day Registration
6:00am to 7:15am - Race Morning Packet Pick Up
6:30am - Start Double 21k - First Leg 10 miles (for runners
estimating their time to be 12/min per mile or more.)
6:45am - Start Double 21k - First Leg 10 miles (for runners
estimating their time to be 8-12/min per mile)
7:00am - Start Double 21k - First Leg 10 miles
7:45am - Start Double 15k - First Leg 10k (6.2 miles)
7:50am - Take A Double Hike - First Leg 3.1 miles
8:10am - Start Double 5k - First Leg 3k (1.8 miles)
9:20am - Take A Double Hike - Second Leg 1mile
9:30am - Start Double 21k - Second 5k (3.1 miles) leg (all)
9:30am - Start Double 5k - Second Leg 2k (1.3 miles)
9:30am - Start Double 15k - Second Leg 5k (3.1m)
10:15am - Start Kids Cup Double 1.5m - First Leg 1 Mile
10:30am - Start Sprint Double 1.5m First leg 1 Mile
10:45am - Start Kids Cup Double - 2nd Leg 1/2 Mile
11:00am - Start Sprint Double - 2nd Leg 1/2 mile
11:30am - Awards Ceremony