Event Description
The beautiful Hunting Hollow Valley is the location for the Henry Coe 5K/10K Fun Run and Walk again this year. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, the relatively flat dirt trail course passes through late spring flowers such as California roses, lupines, and clarkias, with glimpses of farewell to spring blooms scattered through the grasses. Sycamore, bay and oak trees shade Hunting Hollow Creek up the valley to the turn around for the 10K. The 5K follows the same route and turns around half way.The winter rains have added water to several creek crossings providing a refreshing splash for those who so choose. Occasionally along the way you might see deer, coyote or bobcats, or you might spot a golden eagle, red tailed hawk, or a turkey vulture gliding on the warm air currents over your head.
The course is fairly flat from the start to the turnaround. It is an out and back course with both the 5K and 10K starting at 9:00 a.m. at the gate at the end of the parking lot. Trophies are awarded to the first male and female for each distance. Medals go to the first three finishes in each of eight age groups for each distance, male and female.
Parking is limited, so please carpool if possible.