XTERRA DINO Northern Indiana

25601 IN-4 46554
North Liberty, IN 46554

Running > Obstacle Race, 1 mile, 5k

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Event Description

Triathlon & Triathlon 2-3p Relay

  • The triathlon begins with a 1/2 mile swim before exiting the lake and heading into a fast and flowy 15 mile two-lap mountain bike course. But save some energy for the final 7K trail run as you'll have 2 challenging hills to conquer before crossing the line. This event is proud to be the Youth Qualifier for the 2025 XTERRA Youth World Championship.

Duathlon & Duathlon Relay

  • Two disciplines, three sections. The duathlon kicks off with a 4 km out-and-back trail run, giving the fastest runners a head start as they head into the fast and flowy 15 mile two-lap mountain bike section. It's then back onto the trail for a final 7 km footrace to the finish.

Kayak Triathlon & Kayak Relay

  • Skip the swim and grab a paddle. This triathlon with a twist starts with a 1-mile kayak before transferring to the bike for a 15-mile two-lap ride. It's then a footrace to the finish with a scenic 7km trail run.

Full above event details here!

7K Trail Run

  • Wide and stable paths will favor the speedsters and the first timers on this 7km lollipop loop course, but two challenging hills will be the true test for those looking to conquer the this course. This fun course is also a bonus point chance for those running the DINO Trail Run Series!
    •  A Chance for up to 10 Bonus points in the series!
      • All finishers in a bonus race will receive at least 1 bonus point.
      • A finish in the top 10% of men or women earns 10 points.
      • A finish in the 80% to 90% of men or women's rankings earns 9 points.
      • The distribution continues so that the bottom 10% of men and women finishers each earn 1 bonus point.
      • Full Details 


Event Location & Accomodations

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