Jack’s Jog 5k

789 Myrick Park Dr
La Crosse, WI 54601

Running > 5k

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Event Description

Jack's Jog is inspired by a sweet baby boy named Jack and his mom's desire to keep his memory alive.  On January 27th, 2020, a routine 20 week ultrasound turned the world upside down for Jack's parents, Brad and Jamie.  Expectations that their third baby was perfect and healthy turned into devastation and fear.  Their baby was not perfect and healthy.  There were several significant findings on the ultrasound indicating that their baby had a life threatening condition and would need further evaluation.  

Four days later, Brad and Jamie spent an entire day at a higher level of care where they met with several specialists, had more in-depth ultrasounds and lab work that would diagnose their baby's condition.  Results of the tests would take several days but Brad and Jamie were warned that whatever the result was, it was fatal.  Their baby would not survive.  

Three days later, Brad and Jamie received a phone call with their baby's diagnosis-triploidy.  He had an entire extra set of chromosomes.  This was not compatible with life.  As most babies with triploidy are miscarried in the first few weeks of pregnancy, doctors had no idea how long Brad and Jamie's baby would survive.  There was no way to predict whether he would make it to full term, if he would be born alive, and if so, how long he would live after birth.  

On May 11, 2020, at a routine appointment, they heard the words they feared but expected: "there's no heartbeat."  Jack was 36 weeks along.  Jack was born still on May 12, 2020 at 6:46pm.  Jack's parents and two older brothers spent as much time as they could with him and created many memories that they will cherish forever. Since Jack was born, it's been Jamie's mission to ensure that the world knows about her sweet baby boy that never got to come home.  His little life matters and even though he is not here, he still has a purpose in this world.  

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month.  Jack's Jog is a 5k run/walk that will take place on October 4th, 2025 at Myrick Park with the intent of honoring and remembering all the babies who were taken from their families too soon.  It will be a place for parents, families and friends to find support and a safe place to talk about their babies and share their stories.  Jamie wants people to feel comfortable to say their baby's name and know they are not alone in their grief.  All of the funds raised at this event will be donated to local hospitals for their pregnancy and infant loss bereavement programs to continue to support families navigating the journey of losing their baby.  

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