Event Description
The second annual ‘Be A Light’ 5K Mental Health Awareness Fun Run at Farley Market in the Park!
Farley Community Park, 5th Ave NE Farley, IA 52046
Saturday May 10, 2025, All Registration opens 8 A.M.
Public speaker prior to the kids run
Kids fun run will take place at 10:00 A.M. and a community 5K will follow
In 2024 we partnered with NAMI Dubuque and created the first ever ‘Be A Light’ 5K Mental Health Awareness Fun Run to provide a place to learn about mental health, local resources and introduced NAMI’s mental health education and resources to the local community. Gaps in mental health services continue to exist and rural Americans experience significantly higher rates of depression and suicide than those who live in urban areas. The need for community outreach projects is critical in rural communities because they help bridge the gap in services and education to ensure rural residents receive the support, they need to have close to home to improve their quality of life regardless of geographic location.
This year The Be a Light Project has the same vision to shine a light on mental health awareness. We are excited to partner with the I’m Glad You Stayed Project who is a federally recognized 501(c) non-profit that’s mission is to educate the public, especially teenagers, on real-time suicide prevention actions. The I’m Glad you Stayed Project (IGYSP) raises awareness on mental health and suicide prevention by way of ‘starting the conversation’.
Join us May 10th as we introduce the I’m Glad You Stayed Project into our community! You do not want to miss this powerful community awareness event. Learn about upcoming suicide prevention education trainings for teens and adults locally, in Farley, IA this year!
To access more information on the IGYSP visit their website.
Make sure to follow us on Facebook for updates! There will be an opportunity to support our cause and our "99 reasons to stay".