Little River Rush Half Marathon

123 Cromwell Dr
Townsend, TN 37882

Running > Half Marathon

Registration Powered by RunSignUp

Event Description

Townsend offers breathtaking scenery as well as an escape from the busyness of other parts of East Tennessee, why not host one of the FASTEST half marathon around from such landscape!

The Little River Rush Half Marathon course will feature spectacular views, peaceful back roads and boasts an impressive 600ft net downhill in this point to point race.  Course begins at the Heritage Center in Townsend and will travel in one direction to finish at Heritage High School in this Blount County exclusive race.



RESTROOMS: Will be available from within the Herritage Visitors Center and at __ locations on the course.

AID STATIONS: Aid stations will be available at miles __ , __ & __.  These will be stocked with Water and ___.

PARKING AND TRANSPORTATION: Parking will take place at Herritage High school as runners will be bussed to the start/ Staging area at the Herritage center of Townsend.  Parking will NOT be available from the Herritage center due to limited availability.

Race directors have set up a shuttle to run continuously from the Finish to the start/ staging area where runners can freely  depart after they complete their race.  Spectators may choose to set up their own transportation after crossing the finish line.

Proceeds for this race will go to benefiting the Heritage High School Cross Country & Track programs to support our youth athletes and their endeavors to practice and compete at local and regional events. 

Event Location & Accomodations

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