WARRIOR WALK: Stubborn Girl's Mimosa Challange

Avista Field
Spokane, WA 99212

Running > Walking

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Event Description

Join us for a spirited walk around Avista Field to raise money and awareness for domestic violence support networks in our community! Proceeds from the event will go to the Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition (SRDVC). This is not a walk for time or distance, but for solidarity and support.

Create a team with friends or get your workplace to team up! Pick a fun name, wear costumes and make a chant of support! There will be music, KZZU will be there and Otto, the Spokane Indians mascot, all join us for energy and photo ops!

This walk is kid-friendly, but we also have our Health Kids Day camp running from 7:30 to 11:30 AM that day and you can drop them off for arts & crafts, field games and tons of fun while you walk the warm up track on the field!

Every Participant gets a 3-day pass to the Wellness & Beauty Expo, a t-shirt and a drink coupon for a Mimosa after the walk or alternative beverage of your choice.

You can pick up your walk packet any day of the expo which runs May 16th - 18th. Friday and Saturday from 10A - 6P and Sunday from 10A-4P.

TOGETHER, we can end the violence.

Event Location & Accomodations

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