Event Description
Individual (solo), and teams of 2 or 3
Friday, March 8-10, 2024. For the 47hr, the race begins at 7pm and ends at 7pm, on Sunday evening, March 10. For the 35hr, participants can start Friday night at 7pm or Saturday morning at 7am and end at 7am on Sunday evening at 7pm.
At the Conquer the Wall, we offer individual (solo), relay teams of 2 person and 3 person in both the 47hrs and 35hrs.
Can reserve a cot or camp out? Did you say camper?
Lodging is available inside Southern West Virginia Community and Technology Center. We will limit it to 30 people only. We will still offer camping outside the facility and also along the course at the college and behind the flood wall path. We may have some spots available out in the hallway of the tech building. Participants are welcome to sleep in their cars or check out the hotels, Bed and breakfasts or cabins in the area.
Lodging Options:
*3 days (Friday, Sat, Sun) - $30
*2 Days (Sat and Sunday) - $20
*1 Day - $10
/>Check-in the day off with registration.
**Camping will be located past the finish line area in front of the school and the Tech building. Everything is close to the course. You can also park behind the school as well.
Link to register,
https://www.webscorer.com/register?raceid=308525br />
Address location for the college is 1601 Armory Rd, Williamson, WV 25661.
We did speak to the campus director about the lodging. We should be good with everything with the event. With school returning on Monday, March 11, we have to be gone by 7:00am, that Monday morning.
Teams relay
Our team relay has been pretty popular here with Conquer the Wall!
47hr 2person - $110 then $120 starting Aug 7 then $130 starting Dec 4br />47hr 3person - $120 then $130 starting Aug 7 then $140 starting Dec 4
35hr 2person - $90 then $100 starting Aug 7 then $110 starting Dec 4
35hr 3person - $100 then $110 starting Aug 7 then $120 starting Dec 4
When registering, your captain will pay for your team. Be sure to include your team name. Each individual from the team will be awarded a belt buckle for their distance and the team with most mileage as well. Each member will swap their ankle bracelet timing tag to their teammate after the desired laps they complete. We will be working to get cool, unique bibs for our teams.
The 35hr participants can start either Friday night at 7pm or Saturday morning at 7am. Your choice.
We have plenty of food and hydration! Ask any of our participants...they love the food and support from the community! We ask each participant to bring something unique from there country or state. Several participants did for the 2023 race.
Mile 50 (change direction)
When participants for the 47hr and 35hr and relay teams reach 50 miles crossing the timing mat, they can switch the opposite direction of the course. The course is 2.05 Mile Loop.
Volunteer opportunities
We are always looking for volunteers for Conquer the Wall.
What to expect:
1) Help with setup and break down
2) Help with registration
3) Keeping things such as food and drinks stocked up at the aid station and food tables
4) Presence and support for the race and participants
5) Just having fun! A different type of experience with endurance races
Volunteers will receive a long sleeve shirt with "volunteer" on the back of the shirt.
We will also break down to shifts for everyone, 4hr shifts.
Email us at tvrrc@yahoo.com (Subject line, volunteer) Provide shirt size
Timing - Counting laps
Be sure to wear your ankle bracelet timing strap on your right leg at all times during the race. Definitely wear the ankle bracelet over your pants for optimal timing. GPS data might have shot you around the wall a longer way than a 180-degree turn. The GPS can add a few hundredths here and there or run you outside of a road and after 60 laps it may show a 2-mile difference.
Ohh yes! We will have Karaoke and so much fun!!
No alcohol on campus
We all love to celebrate our goals and time with each other with a drink. Unfortunately, no alcohol on the college campus.
Conquer The Wall Endurance Challenge - In the Valley of Hatfield McCoy Country
Welcome to the 7th Anniversary of the Conquer the Wall!
The 35hr race fee is $90 and the 47hr race fee is $100 for the individual
For the 35hr race, you can start either Friday night, March 8 at 7pm or March 9 Saturday morning at 7am. If you start Friday, the race will end on Sunday at 7am. If you start on Saturday morning, then you will finish at 7pm, Sunday night.
The 47hr race - Starts: Friday, March 8, 7pm and Ends: Sunday, March 10, 2024, 7pm*** Important...The race will be falling on the time change weekend. We will be springing forward. ***
Run in the valley of Hatfield McCoy Country in Williamson, West Virginia. This Endurance Challenge is on a flat, paved, 2.05 mile loop on the West Williamson flood wall and along Southern WV Community and Technical College.
Limit to 250 participants only.
The event starts and ends at the Main Campus building of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College
We asked that everyone register by March 1st to guarantee a shirt.
Participants will be receiving a finisher item either for the 47hr and 35hr, and belt buckles for either 50+ or 100+ miles.
Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College
1603 Armory Dr, Williamson, WV 25661
Located on the campus of Southern WV Community and Technical College, Armory Road. Parking will be available on location, on the campus, and along the course.
Last call on laps
• What's the last call on laps?
The clock will keep going for the 35hr and 47hr. Your time and lap will be tracked when crossing the timing mat for the final time. We know we will have participants still out there getting their last loop. If you reach the mat at 6:50pm or 6:55pm, you can still go out for one more lap. We will count that lap.
FAQs for the Race
• Where does the race take place?
Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College Main Campus Building. The address is 1603 Armory Drive, Williamson, WV, 25661
• What day can participants set up?
Participants can start setting up on Thursday at 7pm. Food will not be available on-site until Race day.
• When is Packet pickup?
Friday, March 8 from 4pm til 6:45pm @ Applied Technology building. On Saturday morning, 5:30am til 6:45am, participants for the 35hr can pick up their packets/ankle bracelets.
• Where does the race begin and end at?
It starts and ends in front of the Main Campus building.
Faqs for the Race #2
• What types of hydration will you have at the event?
Water, Gatorade, Pickle juice, pedialyte
• Where will the participants sleep?
Other participants can still check with the Mountaineer Hotel, Hatfield McCoy House, Rectory on the 5th, Sports Outfitters, Trailblazers Outfitter, Tug River Lodging, Strosnider Suites, Tug Valley Inn. We also will have cots.
• What types of food will you have?
On the go snacks, breakfast food such as eggs, bacon, sausage, gravy, lunch and dinner options, fruit, pizza, burgers and hotdogs, vegan options, soups, desserts and many more
• How does the timing work?
Participants must cross the timing mat to have their laps counted. Each person must wear an ankle bracelet tracking device and bib at all times during the race. Participants getting back on the course will have to start their next lap or current lap away from the timing mat. We do not want your ankle bracelets to track extra laps so please start where the split is between the course path and the path to the Armory building. We will have members of the community helping out by counting laps manually. We will also have a LCD tv screen inside where participants can see live results of their laps.
• How does timing work for teams?
It works the same for individuals. When the current runner is done with their laps, they will have to exchange their ankle to the bracelet to their teammate. This will help count all the laps altogether toward desired miles. Teams can walk together at the end when reaching your desired mileage.
• What's the last call on laps?
The clock will keep going for the 35hr and 47hr. Your time and lap will be tracked when crossing the timing mat for the final time. We know we will have participants still out there getting their last loop.
•Are their porta potties available?
Yes, at each end of the flood wall at the start/finish line and at the Armory.
• Does the facility have Wi-Fi internet?
• What kind of phone coverage is in the area?
Verizon, AT&T, and Appalachian wireless
• Do you accept donations?
Yes we do. We would like to create a fund to help put solar lights on the wall and signage along with the Conquer the Wall course for walkers, runners, and bicyclists.
• Is the race animal friendly?
Very much so!
• Is the course open to traffic?
Yes. You run by small subdivisions and apartments. Please be courteous to motorists and the people who live in the neighborhoods. Be cautious of your surroundings.
• Is the course certified?
No, but may plan for the future.
• How's the weather?
Usually the highs are in middle 40s to the high 60s. Evenings are chilly in the 40s or low 30s. Be prepared and dress accordingly. The race is known to hit all seasons!
• Do I need a headlamp?
Yes, we do recommend it and any light source that is bright for others to see such as motorists.
• Where do I park?
Park at the main campus of Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College. You can park on the grass close to the start line but please stay yards away from the timing mat so you will not track extra laps. You can park also along the course down by the floodwall gate.
• Can I leave anytime?
Yes, you can leave anytime and come back. Please do not forget your ankle bracelets and bibs. Remember, start down from the timing mat.
Faqs for the Race #3
• Can I set up an aid station tent from my car? Yes, you can. How many aid stations?
One big aid station at the start/end! That section will be well-stocked.
• Can I register day of the event?
Yes you can. Can I start late?
Depending on the work-related request, we can accommodate that. The participant starts their first lap away from the timing. When they are about to finish their first lap and cross the timing mat, your laps will count.
• How do awards and receiving swag work?
Shirts can be picked up on Friday. Certificates will be given to each participant when they finish. belt buckle (silver)
100k, 75 miles, 90 miles - Dog tag, key chains, belt buckle (Silver)
100 miles or mile - Dog tag, key chains, Belt buckle (Gold)
Top male and top female in the 35hr and 47hr with the highest mileage will be awarded a unique award!
• Pacers
Each participant in years past has run or walked with others. Our running club has also been out there to help.
• Who hosts the race?
Tug Valley Road Runners Club and I'm your race director, Alexis Batausa, Selena Ferguson, and Joseph Bralley