Event Description
BIKE SKILLS CLINIC for Triathletes (6:30-8:00pm):
This clinic is for Triathletes of ALL experience levels.
In this clinic we work on various bike handling skills. We will break participants into 1-3 smaller groups based on ability level. Each group will rotate through 5-6 skill stations where the designated coach will teach the skill and then have participants pratice.
Some stations will include:
- Clip in / Clip out REVIEW
- Turns (foot position & counter steering)
- U turns
- Tight circle drill
- 1 arm (grabing water bottles and/nutrition)
- Narrow lane (look where you want to go, not where you DONT)
- Emergency Braking
BRING: bike, bike shoes, HELMET (mandatory), Cycling or Tri Kit, Water bottle(s)
Questions? Please email Chris - Chris@RTAtri.com
Event details and schedule
The clinic will take place in the Graydon Pool parking in Ridgewood.
Find the GPS coordinates on our website here for the best directions.