E2P JR Development Camp

Crownsville Meetup Location
Crownsville, MD 21032


Registration Powered by RunSignUp

Event Description

This is for athletes ages 14-18 who will compete in draft legal elite development events in 2025. 

This is a DAY CAMP (not an overnight).

April 26 - 27, 2025
10am - 3pm 

Open water skills practice
Stroke development session (swim spa)
Run drills / skills practice
Cycling skills clinic
Draft legal practice riding
Transition practice
Fueling for training and racing
Preventing injuries
Strength & stretch training
Mental skills development
Learn the development pathways in triathlon

Athletes are required to bring:
All relevant equipment and clothing for training. 
Pack your own lunch and fueling bottles/nutrition. 
Swim: pull buoy, fins, 2 pairs of goggles, swim cap, paddles 
Bike: helmet (no cracked helmets), bike shoes, pump, spare tubes, tire levers
Not mandatory but desirable a heart rate monitor and a power meter device
Running shoes (one with elastic laces and a second pair if possible)
Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses
Notebook (paper) with pen/pencil 

Event Location & Accomodations

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