FSRC Spring 5k Coed Training Group

Various Locations
Frederick, MD 21701


Registration Powered by RunSignUp

Event Description

The FSRC Spring Coed 5K Training program is an  8 week training to prepare for the Frederick Running Festival Twilight 5K Race. The program is designed for everyone from first time runners looking to complete a 5K to experienced runners looking to improve their 5K performance. Participants must be at least 16 years of age on program start date.

Group runs will be held weekly on Tuesdays at 6pm and Saturdays at 8 am at various locations in Frederick, MD. Our first group run will be Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 6 pm at the Baker Park Bandshell.

The program will begin the week of March 10th 2025 and run through May 3rd 2025 with our target race. The target race is the Frederick Running Festival Twilight 5K race.


Want to know more about the program: Information Session will be held March 4th at Baker Park Bandshell at 6 pm where Coaches Katie Davis and Sue Searcy will answer questions about the program and plans.


Prerequisites for the program:

To help protect against injury, we strongly recommend you are:

Consistently running or run-walking (at any speed) 3 days a week or more, for at least 6 months
Comfortable running or run-walking 2-4 mile long runs
Have the blessing of your physician if you have some sort of medical issue that may affect your participation (heart issues, orthopedic concerns, etc.)

You must be a paid member of FSRC to register for this training. If you are not a member, it's only $25 to join FSRC and you get this training and so much more. Click on https://steeplechasers.org/membership/join/ to learn more and follow the instructions to join. If you think you are already a paid member of the club and you can't register, please check the spelling of the name you used to join the club, using https://runsignup.com/Club/SearchForRenew/668. Once you've joined the club, or renewed your club membership, come back here to register for the training.


Cost: $0 for current Steeplechasers members

To Register:

Please complete all steps:

(1) Make sure you are a paid member of the club by checking https://steeplechasers.org/membership/registered-members/. If not already a paid member, you need to join before registering for the training program. You can renew or join at https://runsignup.com/fsrc. Click Renew to renew your membership or Sign Up to join. If you're asked to claim your account, please see https://steeplechasers.org/membership/claim-account-rsu/

(2) Register for the training program by clicking Sign Up link at https://runsignup.com/Race/MD/Frederick/FSRCSpring5kCoedTrainingGroup

(3) Ask to join the FSRC Spring 5K Training Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/fsrccoed5ktraining/. The Facebook page is our primary means of communicating to keep you updated on when and where runs are occurring, to help you find support and get your questions answered by your coaches and fellow participants, and to notify you of cancellations due to weather. 

Spring 5k Coed Training Info


Spring 5k Coed Training Booklet


Spring 5k Coed Training Plan A


Spring 5k Coed Training Plan B



Event Location & Accomodations

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