Crusaders United Color Run

Everest Park
Auburn, NY 13021

Running > 5k

Registration Powered by RunSignUp

Event Description

The Tyburn Academy Crusaders will hold their 1st annual Crusaders United Color Run to support the United Way of Cayuga County and Tyburn Academy. Tyburn Academy, a small private Catholic School in Auburn, N.Y. fosters a community rich in the Gospel spirit of service and charity. As such, the students have chosen this fundraiser elevating the standard to justly serve their school and the community it is housed within. Register today and UNITE with the Crusaders to support them in their mission of service while also supporting the United Way in their mission to improve lives. Register today and join the Crusaders United in Color and run (or walk!) to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead.


In an effort to properly adhere to and mobilize the event for all, the color run has 3 different events to choose from. That is, there are 3 options to join with Tyburn and the United Way of Cayuga County and show you are UNITED and care with Color! 


First, you can participate locally in a traditional 5K color run (or leisurely walk...the choice is yours!). This 5K will be through the beautiful Everest Park located in Auburn, New York. As you navigate this racecourse, you will come across color stations where folks will tag you with color, showing they appreciate you uniting and caring with color to support both of these local nonprofit organizations! Although this color run is generally an untimed event, for those that are interested, there will be one timer at the finish line highlighting the time. Participants can choose to run or walk throughout the course, both of which will be able to UNITE, care with color, and experience the fun! 


If you are not able to join the traditional 5K, but would like to UNITE and care with color, you can join us virtually (well sort of!), wherever you are! Have a friend tag you with color from the bags included in your registration packet before beginning your race and then again as you cross the finish line! Let’s see how many folks UNITE and care from afar! Be sure to snap a picture of your personal 5K and send it via Facebook Messenger to Crusaders United Color Run. Look for your picture to be highlighted on the Facebook page to see how far UNITING and caring with color can reach! 


Regardless of the 5K event you choose (local or virtual), the cost is $35 to register (plus registration fees) as an individual. If you form a team of 3 or more the cost decreases to $30 per individual on the team (plus registration fees), highlighting the importance of UNITY can caring with color!


Last, we will have a smaller racecourse for all our kiddos (up to 8 years of age) who want to UNITE and show they care with color.  The kids' race will start around 9:45 am, after the traditional race is complete.  Register your kids in the Crusader Kids United in Color Run/Walk and teach them the importance of caring for the communities they live in, while having FUN!  They will have the opportunity to run/walk, albeit a smaller route, through the beautiful Everest Park, where they will come across stations and volunteers who will tag them with color.  There is no age limit on UNITING and caring with color!  


The cost of the kids run is $20 to register (plus registration fees).  

The choice to unite and care with color is YOURS.  Make the decision and register today!  


Each traditional 5K race participant will receive:


An individual color packet to start the fun before the race begins
Event t-shirt (Only guaranteed if registered by April 15th. Extras will be ordered, but we may run out)
Crusaders United in Color race bib
One free ticket to enter raffle drawings after the race.


Each virtual race participant will receive:


Two individual color packets - One to start the fun before the race begins, and one to finish the fun as you cross your finish line
Event t-shirt (Only guaranteed if registered by April 15th. Extras will be ordered, but we may run out)
Crusaders United in Color race bib

** Virtual runners - Please note:  In order to receive race packets by race day, we must send them one week in advance.  You are welcome to register up to the event; however, we cannot guarantee that race packets will be received by the event's start if you register after Friday, April 25th.  


Each kids' fun run participant will receive:


An individual color pack to start the fun before the race begins

Event t-shirt (Only guaranteed if registered by April 15th.  Extras will be ordered, but we may run out) 

Crusaders United in Color race bib


Race Awards:

Of course, when we UNITE and care with color, we must UNITE with awards and prizes! Three prizes will be awarded at the end of the race. 

1. First place of the traditional course
2. Largest group award - traditional or virtual group
3. Farthest UNITED in color virtual participant

*If you win an award, we hope to unite in pictures for the Crusaders United Color Run Facebook page!


Event Location & Accomodations

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