Event Description
Join us for our 13th annual 5K to Fight Histio! This will be our 3rd year in the mountains of Colorado Springs, CO. but 13th year overall with the first 10 years being held in NY, NY. Together, we will conquer the trails to raise funds for ground-breaking research, to increase awareness of a disease that all too often goes misdiagnosed and provide support to each other as we fight Histiocytosis. This event brings Histio families from all over the globe together to continue our loved ones fight and make a difference for those that follow! COME OUT AND DO WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO AND SUPPORT A GREAT CAUSE DOING SO!
What Is HLH?
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a life-threatening immunodeficiency. It affects people of all ages and ethnic groups. Common symptoms are fevers, enlarged spleen, low blood counts and liver abnormalities. At least half of the patients with HLH will also experience inflammation of the brain which can lead to a wide variety of neurologic problems. HLH has traditionally been divided into genetic forms (Familial HLH or FHLH) or acquired forms which may be associated with infections, autoimmune conditions or cancer. To date, 9 genetic causes of FHLH have been discovered, accounting for about 50% of childhood HLH cases in the U.S.A. FHLH can be inherited in either an autosomal recessive manner (where both parents are carriers) or in an x-linked manner affecting only males. HLH qualifies as an orphan or rare disease since there is little government funding for much needed research. HLH is considered to be rare, but specific incidence is unknown.
What is Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis?
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare, cancer-like condition. It happens when a person’s body makes too many immature Langerhans cells. These cells are a type of immune cell known as histiocytes. When these cells build up, they can form tumors or damage tissue, bone and organs.
This 5K is hosted by Liam's Lighthouse Foundation- a local (Colorado Springs) a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, which was established to create and provide educational material and awareness about Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) including Histiocytic Disorders, and to distribute unbiased, factual information to physicians, hospitals, and the community regarding this disease. Our focus is also to bring families affected by HLH/Histiocytosis together and offer support through a variety of resources. We aim to raise much needed funds for continued education of physicians and research to develop safer and more effective treatment methods and ultimately a cure. LLF is also dedicated to bringing awareness to the community about the importance of becoming a blood and bone marrow donor.
Liam's Lighthouse Foundation was started in honor and memory of a local Colorado Springs boy, Liam Schulze. Please visit Liam's Story - LIAM'S LIGHTHOUSE FOUNDATION
Every step taken and every dollar raised brings us closer to the ultimate finish line...A CURE! Funds raised go to support histio research, newly diagnosed patients and their families, and our local Ronald McDonald House of Colorado Springs!