Event Description
The Unleash the SHE 5K ,10K (now including a 2 mile walk and kids 1K!) will be hosted again at Little Thistle Brewing Co. in Rochester, MN on April 26th. The beautiful course will utilize the trails and tree-lined neighborhoods around Cascade Lake and have a whopping celebration finish right at Little Thistle Brewing Co. Outside of the Med City Marathon weekend, this event is the largest 5K running race in our community, with incredible swag and a great race with live music and post race celebrations. Although this event is here to celebrate the women in our lives and stand with the MN Ovarian Cancer Alliance to provide support for individuals and families struggling with Ovarian Cancer, This is event is open to EVERYONE (Men, women, kids, non-binary are all encouraged to come out and support!)
This event includes hoodies, racer stainless camping mugs, neck buffs, and finisher medals (free beverages at the finish line, courtesy of Little Thistle Brewing Co)
Virtual race option and fundraising available online! (option to have packets mailed to you)
Unleash The SHE is more than a race.
It’s a celebration of women’s Strength, Health, and Empowerment…SHE! Join in the fun by running the all-women’s 5K or 10K events or grab some friends and walk in the Support the SHE Co-Ed 5K all while helping the Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance (MOCA) raise money to fight ovarian cancer.
Proceeds for this event go to the MN Ovarian Cancer Alliance. This event is organized by the Med City Marathon team in Rochester, MN.