Event Description
This page is only for signing up to volunteer- navigate to the volunteer section
Join us for one of our pre-race number pickups or various shifts available on race day, Sunday, Feb, 9, 2025.
Please find all other race info on our event page: Super Sunday Event Info
Super Sunday is made possible each year thanks to the help of over 100 wonderful volunteers. If you're participating as a runner, please thank our volunteers when you see them! If you're volunteering, we appreciate your support!
All volunteers get free admission into the after-party, a free Super Sunday commemorative swag item, and two drink tickets. As a volunteer, you'll assist with number pickup, venue setup, registration, bag check, water stops, marshaling, food and beverage service, awards, and cleanup.
The Race::
We look forward to welcoming you to our 18th edition of Super Sunday, a giant Super Bowl pre-party which starts with two running races: a 5-miler and a 5K. For 2025, Super Sunday returns to Kendall Square in Cambridge. After the run, the party begins in our giant (20,000+ sq ft) beer garden sponsored by Mighty Squirrel, with food trucks and live music. The three largest teams also get special perks.