Advocates' 7th Annual Stroll & Roll

Onondaga Lake Park - Willow Bay Pavilion Area
Liverpool, NY 13090

Running > 5k

Registration Powered by RunSignUp

Event Description

Run, walk, stroll, or roll for Advocates! There will be plenty of fun for the entire family!  Advocates' 7th Annual Stroll & Roll will be held on Saturday, May 17, 2025 at Onondaga Lake Park, Willow Bay (3858 Long Branch Road, Liverpool). The race begins at 10:00 am.

We will have a variety of food trucks, live entertainment, family games, and face painting. To participate, please go to the registration page. Register early as there is special pricing. The early bird cost is $30.00 per person, the regular pricing is $35, and the day of cost is $40. 

The top three overall receive a cash prize: 1st - $100, 2nd - $75, 3rd - $50. 

All race participants receive a finisher medal, event bib, snacks, and gift.  Race packets may be picked up on Thursday, May 1st and 2nd, at Advocates’ Liverpool location (290 Elwood Davis Road, Suite 101, Liverpool, NY 13088) from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm or on May 5th and 6th, at Advocates’ Fayetteville location (300 South Manlius Street, Fayetteville, NY 13066) from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Race packets will also be available the day of the race.

Race day schedule: 

9:00 am - 10:00 am - Registration and Race Packet Pick-up and snacks and water

9:15 am - Face painting

10:00 am - Race begins

11:00 am - Food trucks open for business

11:00 am - Live entertainment

11:15 am - Family games

We are looking for sponsors for this year's race. For more information on becoming a sponsor, please contact the Development Office at (315) 469-9931 or email Proceeds benefit children and adults with disabilities.

Bring your family and friends. There will be plenty to do for all ages. Hope to see you there!

Please note, there are no refunds for Advocates' 7th Annual Stroll & Roll. If you have any questions, please contact the Development Office.

Event Location & Accomodations

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