Buzz By Belmont 5K Fun Run and Fitness Fest

1000 Belmont Ave
Charlottesville, VA 22902

Running > 5k

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Event Description

The Buzz By Belmont 5K Fun Run is a FREE community event that supports our neighborhood Elementary School, Summit Elementary (formerly Clark).  The Buzz By Belmont has been a fun part of our community for over 20 years. It is organized by the Summit Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) and is sponsored by local businesses.  This event is the sole fundraising event for the Summit PTO, and the money raised during this event provides school-wide snacks, field trips that otherwise would not be possible, and two teacher appreciation lunches.  

The Summit PTO is committed to supporting Summit families and teachers through fun, free, and community-focused community events. Throughout the school year, we support three events: the fall Buzz By Belmont 5K Fun Run, the midwinter Soul Feast school-wide dinner, and the spring Fun Fair. All of these events are free to Summit Elementary families!

Event Location & Accomodations

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