Event Description
The Lake Run Club Autumn Equinox Mile Run will be held on September 22, 2024 at the Corner of North Town Road and Linden street. The 1 mile course runs to the east with the Finish line at the Towanda Ave-N 1600 East Road and North Town Road Intersection on the Constitution Trail. Awards will be in the form of a gift cards.
The 1 mile course is slightly down hill and flat, which should produce a fast mile time for all runners.
The Autumn Equinox run, will feature three unique opportunities to test your running skills.
- Prediction run, the Equinox in Central Illinois is at 7:43 AM. The Runner crossing the finishing line at 7:43 will be the winner. For example, if you predict that you can run a 10 minute mile, your start time will be at 7:33 AM. Running watches, cell phones are not allowed and the finish line time clock will not be visible to the runners. Walkers can participate and course clock will start at 7:15 AM.
- Open Mile Start time will be 7:43 AM. Fastest Male, Fastest Female.
- Age Graded mile run. Runners ages and times will be calculated . https://www.hmrrc.com/members/tools/pace-calculator/age-graded-calculator
Suggested parking lots, North Kerrick parking lot, Rosa Parks. Both will provide an easy warm up for your mile run.