Bridgeport 5K

63 West 4th Street
Bridgeport, PA 19405

Running > 5k

Event Description

The Borough of Bridgeport is very excited to announce that we will be hosting our 6th Annual Bridgeport 5K. The Bridgeport 5K will benefit two fantastic organizations that are cornerstones within the Bridgeport Community - The Bridgeport Fire Department, and the Upper Merion Area Community Cupboard.. Once again, we will welcome runners throughout the region to “test their skills on our hills” and join us in supporting this wonderful charity.

The mission of the Bridgeport 5K is to showcase our town to visitors and residents alike, encourage volunteerism, and provide a different, challenging, and unique course for avid runners and walkers alike. 

The 2023 Bridgeport 5K will include a 5K run/walk, a Kids Fun Run, live entertainment and race ceremony. This event will be staged outdoors in Bridgeport. Registration will begin at 7:30am, the 5K will commence at 9:00am, and the Kids Run Fun will start after the 5K has concluded. 

Event Location & Accomodations

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