Fifth Street Cross - Black Friday 100

Robert Rodale Way
Emmaus, PA 18049


Registration Powered by RunSignUp

Event Description

Before you sign up, read this:


You must bring a 6-pack (beer or the like) or pay an additional $20 when you show up.

You can start at any time of day, but everyone's time to participate will end at 4:20pm.

The Black Friday 100

On Friday, November 29th, we will repeat the best-worst idea of running and/or riding 100 miles or some combination thereof on the Fifth Street Cross course. Jake Looney and Finn Harrington came up with this amazing idea in 2021, and we just keep punishing ourselves each year. In fact, nearly 100 of you came out in 2023, so I guess you all love it! In addition to cycling, our running community can choose from 10k, 13mi, 26mi, and 50k options! For you super crazies,jump in on the halvsies and combo your effort with a run and ride effort. No one has ever run 50 miles AND ridden 50 miles. Will it be you this year?

IMPORTANT NOTE:  This is a 6-pack event, so don't forget to bring a 6-pack along with your entry fee if you haven't signed up already. Alternatively, if you are not bringing a 6-pack, you can bring an additional $20 for the prize pot.


The winner of distance events is the first person to reach the goal in your category in the shortest amount of elapsed time. That means we don't care what your ride time is; we care how much time has passed from when you started the clock. 

Example: Rider A starts at midnight and finishes 100 miles at 2pm for a total elapsed time of 14 hours. Rider B starts at 7am and finishes at 4pm for 9 hours. Rider B wins because their elapsed time is less than Rider A, even though Rider A finished earlier in the day. 

The winner of the timed events is the person who rides/runs the farthest distance in their category based on elapsed time.


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