Event Description
Ahoy, Me Hearties! All Hands on Deck!
Please join the Matanzas High School Band of Pirates for our inaugural Walk the Plank 5k Family Walk. This will be an untimed event on Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at Palm Coast Central Park in Town Center. The complete course will be seven laps around the lake to reach the 5k mark. With each lap, you will earn pirate booty - "Pieces of 8". At the course's end, you will have the opportunity to trade in your Seven Pieces of 8 for a chance grab from the Pirate Treasure Chest. Be sure to bring your water bottle and dress in pirate attire for a healthy family adventure. ARR!!!
At the conclusion of the race, be sure to visit the food trucks for a bite to eat, and stop by the ‘Walk the Plank’ dunk tank to dunk Matanzas High School employees.
Race Fees
Pre-registration is from February 1st through March 31st
Early Bird (02/01 thru 02/29): Adults $25, Students 6-18 years old $20
Mid (03/01 thru 03/31): Adults $35, Students 6-18 years old $25
Final registration (04/01 thru 04/19): Adults $40, Students 6-18 years old $30
Day of race: Adults $45, Students 6-18 years old $35
Children 5 & under free