Event Description
Date--November 2,2024
Location--Hwy 2 Waubonsie Park Hamburg,Iowa
Check in--9:00am North Shelter
Distances / Fees--4 miles--$40.00 8 miles--$45.00 12 miles--$55.00
Fees include--Vests--snacks,drinks,awards
Registration closes October 18
Final Race in the Trail series. Double points race
Check in --9:00am
Waubonsie Park will showcase some unreal scenery and give you chance to test your heart rate. Great place to run.
One of my favorite trails in the midwest area.
All veterans race for free!!! PM me a copy of your DD214 or current ID. Let me know your sizes and the distance you want to run.
Contact Jim for more info.
Park permits at Park entrance.