Event Description
Newcastle Beach Triathlon USAT Bellevue Washington (1/4 mile Swim, 8 mile off road bike, and 6k Run ***
More information at: SammamishRunning.com
Hidden gem racing course in the heart of Washington is a beautiful Lake Washington and off-road biking trails, and perfect course for a late summer event. A great beginner’s triathlon. The quarter mile swim in Lake Washington, followed by a 8 mile off road bike and a 6k run.
Newcastle Beach in the heart of Bellevue Washington
All entrants receive custom designed Newcastle Beach Triathlon USAT T-Shirt, coaster, and gel pack. All finishers receive authentic Newcastle Beach Triathlon USAT Medallion. The event is sanctioned by the USAT. Sign up at least 2 weeks before race and guarantee T-shirt and size.
Pre-Race Safety Briefing: Friday August 9, 2024, 5 pm Live Stream
Packet pick at the Race Site Saturday August 10, 2024, 4 pm to 5:00 pm.
Event details and schedule
Parking at the Newcastle Beach parking lot.
For updated information on the Newcastle Beach Triathlon USAT see SammamishRunning.com
1/4 mile swim, 8 mile off road bike, and 6k run. Event is chip time. You will receive a time for your swim, bike and run as well as transition times for your swim-bike and bike-Run.
Kid's Splash 'n Dash and bike starts at 10 am.
Further questions, please reach out to Race Director Mic Brisbois at 708.668.5488 call or text. mic@beaverLakeTriathlon.com