Lakefront Marathon Water Stops/Aid Station 2023

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI 53211


Registration Powered by RunSignUp

Event Description

This is a volunteer registration for members of organizations that have already agreed to work specific water stop/aid stations at the 2023 Lakefront Marathon.   

VOLUNTEERS WHO ARE MINORS, this registration must be completed by a parent or guardian. Parent or guardian information, age and phone will be entered first.

If your group has not already registered please contact Dave Pike at or call him at 414-745-6773.

Working at a marathon water stop/aid station is very exciting and rewarding. You are providing the nourishment that allows the marathoners to run and often the words of encouragement that keeps them running when their will is running low. 26.2 miles from start to finish, Grafton to downtown Milwaukee. Wow that is no walk in the park! How exciting and you will be right in the midst of it!

Water stop/aid stations volunteers will complete the following tasks; Set up water stop station - folding tables and garbage bins. Dispense water and gatorade to runners, fill water jugs with water, mix gatorade, fill and hand out cups to runners as the race by. Take down and clean up waters stop - collect and dispose of used water cups, rinse out jugs, take down tables and garbage bins. For specific details on your water stop duties and times for reporting please contact your leader.

The Badgerland Striders and Lakefront Marathon team say thank you to all our wonderful volunteers, without you the Lakefront Marathon would not be possible.

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