Event Description
Richland County High School Travel Club will host a 5k Run and Walk to help RCHS students provide an opportunity to travel abroad. Each year The RCHS Travel Club organizes through national programs places to travel to educate students of different cultures.
However, in order to organize the race, we ask area businesses to help sponsor the event.
For $150.00, we place the business logo on 800 printed brochures, 150 t-shirts and on the facebook page that advertises the race.
In addition, To The Finish Timing LLC in Evansville Indiana promotes your business on their website and other races in the tri-state area.
Also, we advertise the businesses’ logo throughout the community on yard signs, in the newspapers and local radio.
Schedule of Events
7:30 a.m. – Late and Pre-Registration at
RCHS – Veterans Hall
9:00 a.m. - 5k run/walk begins –
10:15 a.m. - Results and Awards
T-shirts given to the first 125 entries
Parking at RCHS
Random drawings for prizes
Overall Male and Female (3)
Male and Female 14-under (3), 15-19 (3)
20-29 (3), 30-39 (3), 40-49 (3), 50-59 (2)
60-up (2) - Top 10 overall walkers
Registration Fees
5k - $15.00 ($20.00 after Oct. 30)
Group Fee (3 or more) $10.00
Make checks payable to – RCHS Travel 5k
All proceeds benefit RCHS Travel Club