Event Description
Austintown Youth Track Club is a new program being offered for children Pre-K to 6th grade (5th graders that will be entering 6th grade) at the Austintown Fitch High School track.
When: Two separate 5 weeks sessions (Week of July 4th off in between sessions)
Session A
Week of May 29th- July 2nd
Tuesdays 6-7
Fridays 5-6
Session B
Week of July 10th - August 13th
Tuesdays 6-7
Fridays 5-6
Cost: 50$ per 5 week session (including all fees)
***Cost to include an "Austintown Youth Track Club" T-Shirt for each athlete***
Notes / FAQ:
***We know that families have busy schedules throughout the summer months. There is no attendance policy, and we fully understand if athletes have to miss multiple sessions due to other obligations.
***Please be aware that this program is being offered with an emphasis on fun, while also offering the children the ability to compete and improve motor skills. At this time we will not be offering actual track meets. We are not going to be confirming children's age or grades.
***We are limiting the size to 30 children in the age Pre-K to 2nd grade (first graders going into second grade) group, and 50 kids in the age 3rd grade to 6th grade group. Feel free to sign your children up for both sessions (Yes, you will get two T-Shirts). The most important thing is that the child being signed up has ability to generally follow simple directions during drills and obstacle course style activities.
***We are looking for as many as 10 volunteer parents to assist with the fluidity of the sessions. Volunteers would be assigned to help with their children's group mostly for following directions and keeping on track. Coaching and programming will be completed by program directors. If you are interested in volunteering, please email the program at AustintownYouthTrack@yahoo.com after your child has been signed up. Ideally, volunteers would be able to make most, if not all sessions, but do not have to have a background in track and field. For volunteers, please include your name, phone number and size of shirt you would like.
***Please pay attention to which session you are signing your child up for. There is a session A running from May to July and a Session B running from July to August. Each session also is broken up into the Pre-K to 2nd grade and 3rd grade to 6th grade.
Sample Session:
Participants will be divided into two separate groups (Pre-K to 2nd grade & 3rd grade to 6th grade).
Warm up (~10 minutes): During this time the athletes will work on learning a standard track warm up of dynamic movements such as high knees, butt kicks and skipping.
Skills Training (~15-20 minutes): Focus on developmental skills. This may include working on accelerating forward and backwards, running around a cone for agility, single leg / double leg / squat hops etc. This part of the session would be slightly less “fun” (while still being enjoyable for the kids), but more focused on developing a motor function based skill set. Activities will be adjusted as needed with the aim of both challenging and developing a more experienced athlete while not frustrating a more inexperienced participant. During each week we will track one motor skill for each participant with hopes of improving upon later reassessment.
Fun Activity ~20-30 minutes: A series of engaging activities or challenges that will ultimately be the most memorable component of our program. A single example of these activities will be our "Lego Tower Relay" where kids are divided into groups of 3-4 in a single lane. Each group will have one child run 25 - 50’ to a giant bucket of standard Legos and grab two separate pieces. They will sprint back to their starting line and the next child will go. With the Legos they retrieve, they will be challenged as a small team with who can build the tallest tower on the Lego platform provided in 20 minutes. (they will quickly realize that a single tower will only stack so high before potentially toppling over). The focus of these activities will be team work, motor development and ultimately having a blast while having a friendly competitive challenge. **There will be 10 separate unique practice agendas that will be repeated from the first to the second 5 week session.**